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Version: 1.2

API Design

This section looks at API design and offers the standards required to support health sector organisations in designing, developing and governing APIs. The intended audience for this section of the document is technical for example API developers, or API designers.

When reading this section consider the implications for your organisation. Fundamentally, APIs should make interoperability with your organisation simple, but more importantly consistent.

Application developers will invest heavily in using your API. They will invest in learning the design and behaviour of your API, in developing and testing around your API and may even invest in developing an entire business model on your API.

Good API designs will attract more developers. Conversely, bad API designs will drive away developers and drive up costs – support costs, maintenance costs and operating costs.

When is an API appropriate?

In the past, the default reaction to a requirement for capability has been to develop a web application. This is now gravitating towards APIs as the default. So, when is it better to build an API than a web application? Below are some situations where an API may be more appropriate:

  • When applications are screen scraping data from your website

  • When your organisation holds a single authoritative source of the truth

  • Where there is a need for real or near real time information exchange with a partner

  • When parts of a business process are (or may be) outsourced

  • When your organisation data or service can be included as part of a larger business process

  • When there is a requirement for internal systems to interact with cloud-based COTS solutions (SaaS)

  • Where businesses require easy access to (public) information

  • Where commercial organisations want to build capability into their own applications that will benefit the public (mobile/web apps)

  • If you expect other parties to act as agents or intermediaries for services provided by your organisation

  • When multiple service delivery channels are in use.

Developing traditional applications for each of these situations would be expensive and time consuming. Developing APIs allows you to focus on the access to your data, the quality, integrity and security considerations to protect the value of the data while other organisations develop applications or uses for the data specific to them. This is a change in thinking from functionality and applications to make data available to others for them to use.

Types of API

There are several different types of API and the type you choose may depend on the technical use cases that you apply to both consumption and provision of your API.

API TypeDescriptionUsageStatus
RESTRepresentational State Transfer (REST) is the most common and well understood API type. REST should be considered an architectural style for developing distributed hypermedia systems. There is a wealth of information and tooling to support the definition and creation of REST APIs. Typically, a REST API will have a well-defined and strongly typed schema definition (OpenAPI) where strict compliance can be achieved.Creating distributed systems where a set of API resources are well defined. If medium latency resource creation or modification (POST, PUT, DELETE) is required then typically a REST API is a better fit. Typically used for synchronous interactions.

MAY support💡

GraphQLGraphQL is an open source query and manipulation language developed by Facebook primarily designed to empower API consumers to consume only the data that they require. A common criticism of REST is that only the entire resource is available for consumption, sometimes referred to as “over fetching”, however with GraphQL the client decides the data that it requires. GraphQL also has a strongly typed schema (GraphQL Schema Definition Language – SDL).An API that has a widely distributed client set with a variety of data requirements. Particularly well suited to high read (GET) clients

MAY support💡

Asynchronous APIsAsyncAPI is an open source initiative to create an event-driven and asynchronous API standardization and development tooling. The AsyncAPI specification, inspired by the OpenAPI specification, describes and documents event-driven APIs in a machine-readable format.Creating distributed systems where a set of API resources are well defined. Typically used for asynchronous interactions and event driven architectures. Also, useful when developing APIs that front workflows or long running orchestrations.

MAY support💡

gRPCgRPC is a modern open source high performance Remote Procedure Call (RPC) framework that can run in any environment.Creating distributed systems that require highly performant and scalable API's. gRPC makes use of binary data rather than just text which makes the communication more compact and more efficient. In gRPC, a client application can directly call a method on a server application on a different machine as if it were a local object, making it easier for you to create distributed applications and services. This is enabled by a formal Interface Definition Language (IDL). gRPC utilizes Protocol Buffers by default, you can make it work with other data formats, such as JSON.

MUST NOT support💡

SOAPSOAP APIs are formatted as XML files and they are extremely common web communication protocols. The acronym stands for Simple Object Access Protocol, and it was developed in the late 1990s. Despite its age, SOAP still remains one of the more popular API types used by developers.Stateful operations; if the application needs contextual information and conversational state management then SOAP 1.2 has the additional specification in the WS* structure to support those things (Security, Transactions, Coordination, etc). Comparatively, the REST approach would make the developers build this custom plumbing.

MAY support💡

Example Technical Use Case Synchronous/Asynchronous API

The illustrative example below demonstrates a combination of a synchronous API and an asynchronous API.

PlantUML diagram describing Example Use Case - Synchronous/Asynchronous Claims API

Detailed description of figure

The diagram illustrates the use case of the Synchronous/Asynchronous Claims API for funded products and services. It depicts the interactions between various entities involved in the API, including API Consumer registration, claim creation, event subscription, and real-time notification updates. The API Consumer initiates the registration process by sending a POST request to the API Provider's /register endpoint. The Health Sector Participant accesses a funded product or service, prompting the Health Sector Organisation to generate claim details and send them to the API Consumer. The API Consumer forwards the claim details to the API Provider, who registers the claim in the API Provider Core System and relays a claim identifier and status back to the API Consumer. The API Consumer subscribes to claim events for a specific claim identifier by sending a SUB request to the API Provider's /claims/{claimId} endpoint. Upon claim status updates, the API Provider Core System generates a notification and transmits it to the API Provider. The API Provider publishes the notification to the API Consumer's registered notification endpoint, who relays it to the Health Sector Participant. The Health Sector Participant then informs the Health Sector Participant of the status update.

The example above has two associated API specifications. The first is an OpenAPI specification that describes the "Create Claim” and "Get Claim” RESTful interactions and the second is an AsyncAPI specification that describes the "Receive Updates” interaction. These example specifications are available for reference here

API Design Principles

Future-Focused Design

APIs SHOULD NOT expose obsolete or legacy structures or functions.💡

Good API design seeks to avoid future breakage in dependent consumer applications by minimising functions, data structures and behaviour exposed, while planning for (at least signalling) foreseeable future change.

Like any interface that has to be maintained, less is definitely more when it comes to functions, structures and behaviour exposed.


When designing and developing an API it is important to consider that an API is made up of distinct functional layers:

  • Security

  • Caching

  • Representation


Every API will have a security component. It is important to recognise that this is not only authentication and authorisation for access to an API, it also includes threat protection (DDoS, SQL Injection, Cross site scripting etc.) as well as availability and quality of service (QoS). When designing and developing APIs it is often cost effective to create a common framework that handles security for all APIs. See the associated document, Part B: API Security, for more details.


Caching can dramatically improve the performance of an API. When designing APIs consider what, when and where to cache. Understanding how data is changed and how often it is changed is an important consideration, as well as which layer it is most appropriate to cache at. A common caching strategy should be developed for APIs that would benefit from it. See Caching for more details.

PlantUML diagram of API layering

Detailed description of figure

The diagram illustrates the interactions between a health sector participant, an API consumer, security, caching and API components. The health sector participant initiates the process by performing some action within the API consumer. The API consumer makes a request and calls the security component for authentication and authorisation. The security component communicates with the cache which fulfils or passes through the data request as needed. Behind the cache is the API component itself which implements the API's operations and defines the representation of data served. A response flow returns data to the API consumer in the opposite direction.


Web standards have rapidly become powerful agreements, which span not just local regions but are internationally accepted and enable commonality and consistency. Using standard HTTP and URLs, the core technologies of the web, along with standards such as JSON and OAuth 2.0 ensures that organisations are not creating bespoke or proprietary technologies.

Hence the principle is to build to the latest versions of existing open and accepted standards e.g.

  • HTTP
  • OpenAPI
  • AsyncAPI
  • REST
  • JSON
  • OAuth 2.0
  • OIDC

Refer to the API Development Industry Standards for detailed information about relevant standards.

Designing an API

When designing an API, it is important to perform business process analysis to ensure that API development is business-driven rather than technology-driven. Technology driven projects rarely meet customers’ needs in the long run, so it is important to gain background in who could be using the API and for what. As mentioned previously, co-design is fundamental to driving the right API development. To help identify potential partners to involve in the co-design, consider:

  • processes that currently depend on information the API could expose

  • processes that require a capability an API could expose

Some actors in the design process will be human such as application developers or health sector participants whilst some actors will be systems or organisations that will interact with, or depend on, the API.

When representatives for the potential actors are identified, start co-designing with these representatives. First and foremost, consider the requirements for the API. Application developers often couch their requirements in terms of how the API should work, rather than what the API needs to do. Don’t get bogged down in the variety of proposed solutions from each developer: focus on extracting their true requirements by performing functional analysis (e.g. use cases) and data flow analysis. Then identify resources and work out the granularity needed (see Granularity).

It is especially important that security and information privacy impacts are identified up front and addressed early on in the design process. Assess the information being passed and the types of access different customers and/or consuming applications should have to the API. This will help drive development of security policies alongside the design of the API.

One common pitfall in API design is to map all existing data tables onto resources and develop the associated CRUD capabilities into an API. Usually this results in a poor API design and tightly couples the API design to the underlying data structure. Another common pitfall is to design APIs as an extension to, or way into, monolithic legacy systems. This should be avoided as it tightly couples the API to the legacy system. Both of these pitfalls will create issues for both API providers and API consumers in the long term.

At this point in the design process, agility is probably more important than completeness. Share early design thoughts and interface specifications with the developer community and quickly make changes in response to their feedback. Work through some sequence diagrams with them to help pin down API interactions and inform API design thinking.

The correct API design will likely not please every developer, so don’t try to be all things to all developers. A rule of thumb is that you are probably on the right track if most developers are a little unhappy, but all are able to achieve their aims with the proposed design.

It is important not to try to bypass evolution steps and try to build for all potential use cases right from the offset. For a more measured progression towards API delivery, start simple and focus on a single channel or interaction initially. By building onto these simple building blocks, API evolution over time naturally progress towards omnichannel applications.

Design Considerations

The following considerations emerge when looking to develop APIs in the health sector:

  • Understand your data, understand your API consumers. Before starting work on APIs, gain a good understanding of what data you hold, the complexity of that data, its relationships to other data, the downstream dependents on that data and potential API consumers of the data. It is also a good idea to understand your API consumers' drivers and downstream usage or customers.

  • Design for REST. If the interaction appears RESTful then develop a REST API, e.g. one-to-many. In some cases however a GraphQL API may be appropriate and is supported by this document. REST APIs are widely understood, easier to govern and suitable for most interoperability use cases.

    It is also important to note here that if there is an appropriate resource in the Fast Health Interoperability Resource (FHIR) standard then a FHIR approach SHOULD be considered.💡

    See this documents FHIR API Guidance

  • The information supplied via an API may still be dependent on overnight batch processes for update. It is worth making the information’s timeliness and update period clear to potential API consumers.

  • APIs should not be used to handle large batch transfers because of the atomic nature of the usage i.e. if one single data write fails then the whole batch fails.💡

    APIs work better for multiple individual update transactions.

Design Driven Development

When building APIs, a Design Driven Approach MUST be taken.💡

This includes:

  • Interface specification first

  • Implementing an Iterative Design Approach

  • Performing Continuous integration/deployment/testing

Interface Specification First

The best way to design an API is in collaboration with potential API consumers. Creating the interface specification first makes it easier for application developers to see what the API is going to offer and how it could be used. Their early feedback will ensure that the API design is heading on the right track and will be usable and appropriate to their needs. Using a simple modelling language to define the interface specification makes it easy to view and edit API definitions. See Interface Specification for more information about defining interface specifications.

Iterative Approach

It has been acknowledged that big bang releases rarely deliver business or customer benefit. An iterative approach, with ongoing releases offering gradual improvement or evolving capability, gives a finer tuned delivery, better sense of momentum, illustrates progress and enables third parties to coordinate efforts with API developments.

An iterative approach incorporates continuous improvement, that recognises the need to support continuing evolvement of the API beyond the first delivery. The API is a product whose capabilities should undergo continuing improvements based on API consumer feedback, performance analytics and emerging needs. This aligns to Phase 6 in the Accelerate framework.

Automation First

Automation provides a quick turnaround for informing API developers about breaking changes being submitted by developers who are all working on the same code base or product (e.g. API). The idea is that all developers submit code changes as often as possible (e.g. into a version control system), allowing code to go through an automated, integrated build process which ensures that nothing has broken the build. This build process could happen many times a day. Any errors are quickly identified and alerted to the team who can rectify them in a timely fashion.

Tests can be written against the interface specification early in the development process by developing just enough API code to enable the test to be run (stubs or mocks). The tests can then be incorporated into the automated build process, giving early warning of regression test failures. API code should not be able to progress through SDLC environments until successful test execution.


There is a question as to how fine-grained an API resource should be. APIs should be designed at the lowest practical level of granularity because this makes each resource simpler and allows them to be combined in ways that suit the application developer. The key principle is to design APIs that can be re-used and combined in different ways, and not tie the application developer to a specific way of working or sequence of API consumption just because that is how it is configured or built in the back end.

If an API offers very fine-grained resources, then consuming applications end up having to make many more calls to the API in order to collect all the information they need, resulting in chattier communications. On the other hand, if the API is based on very coarse grained resources (returning everything about the resource) the response payloads could end up being enormous, may not support all API application developers’ needs, and the API could become cumbersome to use and maintain.

There may also be a need for varying granularity within one API, depending on the purpose and use of that API. For example, if a clinical imaging API was being created, it may make sense to offer a coarse grained resource for posting a new image set as a bundle of content including images, observations, keywords as well as the supporting information for the images. But when offering the ability to comment on the images it would make sense, for clarity and ease of use, to offer these as separate sub-resources, for example, notes or comments.

It is important to aim for a granularity that will prevent business logic from leaking into the API e.g. requiring API calls to be made in a certain sequence to meet with internal business processes. With the imaging example, consider the impact of a fine-grained API being offered for posting an initial encounter, with separate calls for adding subsequent images or metadata. If metadata is mandatory, then the application developer (API consumer) needs to ensure that every new post call to the API to create an image is followed by a metadata call. This puts the onus on the application developer to get the sequence of calls correct and could lead to inconsistent data if they do not adhere to the rules. It also leads to close coupling between the consuming application and the API, and if the business logic changes in the future there is a downstream impact on all application developers, requiring them to modify their applications. General guidelines are:

  • Don't aim for the finest granularity - an API should be built around each discrete and updatable resource

  • There does not need to be a one-to-one mapping between a manual service and a corresponding API; APIs should support the process but not try to encapsulate the process

  • A rough guide is to have one API operation for each entity lifecycle state transition

  • Resources can be identified by reviewing a business process and identifying the key entities that underpin the process. Any entities that the organisation manages or maintains throughout its full lifecycle will be potential API resources. There is typically one API operation for each entity lifecycle state transition.

  • There should be only one API operation for one business outcome (e.g. change an address)

  • Consider using query parameters in URLs for different granularity of resources. For example, /appointments could return a list of appointments, whilst /appointments?$summary could return a summarised view.

Interface Specification

An API represents a contract between the API provider and the API consumer for access to provider resources. Because API consumption is a programmatic exercise, it is important to have a clear definition of what the API offers and how those API resources are to be accessed. This definition is the interface specification.

The interface specification should be designed in advance of developing the API, as the act of working out the specification often helps think through all the issues that could impact the design of the underlying resource-handling code. It also helps consuming application developers to review the capabilities being offered to see if the capabilities meet their needs before they start developing to the specification. When outsourcing API development, the interface specification can be written in abstract as a means of defining the API the vendor should build. The specification can be handled as a separate entity, is version controllable, and it should be possible to use it as the main API documentation or reference.

There are several API modelling languages available for defining the interface specification. Some are proprietary (e.g. RAML, API Blueprint) whilst others are machine-readable but not human readable (e.g. WADL). The most commonly used API modelling language today is an open standard known as the OpenAPI Specification (formerly Swagger) maintained by the Open API Initiative. This initiative is supported by many of the main commercial entities in IT (Google, IBM, Microsoft, Atlassian, Paypal etc.). It offers a standard, programming language-agnostic (JSON/YAML) interface to REST APIs which allows both humans and computers to discover and understand the capabilities of the service. For an example of a Swagger interface specification see Example Interface Specification.

It is important to use a modelling language to define the API interface specification as essentially it is text or code and can be maintained using source code management systems.

Use OpenAPI/Swagger as the interface specification language for all APIs being developed.


As a general rule using APIs as an orchestration tool is not recommended. This is due to the complexity that this can introduce to an API architecture. That said, however, simple orchestration may in some cases be appropriate. An example of this may be a mashup API that creates a new logical API resource by combining related data held in two or more back end systems.

A mashup is not appropriate when you create an API that merges two distinct API products together. If an API consumer requires this functionality the mashup should be performed by the consuming application.

Other examples of simple orchestration could include mediation such as message transformation (JSON to XML or canonical message model transformation).

Software Development Kits (SDK)

It is recommended that API Providers offer an SDK to developers of consuming applications.

An SDK can be considered the implementation toolset for use of an organisation's APIs. By providing developers with an SDK they can build applications faster without having to understand all of the API’s complexities. An SDK should provide sample code that explains the functionality of your API to potential application developers.

Some examples of health sector specific SDKs include:

Google Cloud Healthcare API SDKThe Google Cloud Healthcare API SDK is a collection of tools and libraries that help you build healthcare applications on Google Cloud Platform (GCP). The SDK includes APIs for managing patient data, scheduling appointments, and billing.
Microsoft Azure Healthcare API SDKThe Microsoft Azure Healthcare API SDK is a collection of tools and libraries that help you build healthcare applications on Microsoft Azure. The SDK includes APIs for managing patient data, scheduling appointments, and billing.
Amazon Web Services (AWS) Health API SDKThe AWS Health API SDK is a collection of tools and libraries that help you build healthcare applications on Amazon Web Services (AWS). The SDK includes APIs for managing patient data, scheduling appointments, and billing.

Once an API is in sufficient state to be offered to API consumers, the API definition SHOULD be published to the Health NZ API Marketplace or equivalent health sector capability.💡

The primary API discoverer is the developer, so an external API MUST be well documented, and provide accurate and up-to-date guidance via the catalogue.💡